the logo of Team Athletics St. Vincent and the Grenadines 7 min read

Advocates of the importance of sport to humanity often point to the positive values attendant thereto.

A total of 160 athletes registered and competed at the second edition of the NACAC Athletics New Life Invitational which took place in Freeport, Grand Bahama, on Saturday 13 May 2023.

Indications from the organisers are that there has been great interest shown by athletes of the NACAC Athletics Area, in participating in the 2nd edition of the New Life Invitational (NLI), which is scheduled to take place on Saturday 13 May, at the stadium in Freeport, Grand Bahama.

As the CARIFTA Games was being celebrated on the occasion of its 50th edition, in the lovely Commonwealth of the Bahamas, and the nation of was, likewise celebrating a year-long list of festivities associated with its 50th anniversary of Independence, many may well have missed a most significant of history, the 50th anniversary of Bahamasair.

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Kineke Alexander delivers an empowering and grateful message.

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