This Week in NACAC: Shaunae Miller-Uibo keeps on winning



Vol. 3

No. 12

20 March 2022

Shaunae Miller-Uibo keeps on winning

The Bahamas’ Shaunae Miller-Uibo, has maintained her winning ways. This time she won the 400m at the World Athletics Indoor Championships in Belgrade, Serbia, where we saw a fair performance by NACAC’s athletes.

Virtually unchallenged the two-time Olympic Champion cruised to a 50.31 with Jamaica’s Stephanie-Ann McPherson in third in 51.40. Guyana’s Aliyah Abrams was fifth in 52.34.

Jereem Richards
Jereem Richards
Shaunae Miller-Uibo
Shaunae Miller-Uibo

Trinidad and Tobago’s Jereem Richards won the Men’s 400m in 45.00, ahead of the USA’s Trevor Bassitt.

Jamaica won the Women’s 4 x 400m in a time of 3:28.40.

Grant Holloway won the 60mH in a time of 7.39 with teammate, Jarret Eaton (7.53) in third.

Canada’s Damian Warner took home the gold in the Men’s Heptathlon, having amassed a total of 6489 points. Steve Bastien of the US was back in sixth with Grenada’s Lindon Victor in eight.

USA’s Ajee Wilson (1:59.09) won the 800m with Jamaica’s Natoya Goule (2:01.18) in fourth and Canada’s Lindsey Butterworth (2:03.21) in sixth.

Ryan Crouser had to settle for silver in the Men’s Shot Put with a throw of 22.44m. His compatriot, Josh Awotunde was fifth (21.70m).

In the Women’s 60m, NACAC filled positions 2 Brisco (USA), 3 Sant-Price (USA), 5 Jackson (JAM), Williams (JAM) and 7 Ahye (TTO). In the Men’s equivalent, Coleman and Bracey (USA) finished second and third respectively with TTO’s Elcock in sixth.

Camacho-Quinn begins 2022 where she left off in 2021

Puerto Rican athletics enthusiasts were delighted with the performance of local sensation, Jasmine Camacho-Quinn when the 16th Spring Break Classic took place in the city of Carolina on Friday and Saturday.

In a rather relaxed style, Camacho-Quinn easily won the 200m in a time of 22.27 on Friday 18 March. This was her first race in the outdoor season.

With over 500 athletes competing in categories from U18 – Elite, competition was enthralling. On Saturday, fans saw Ryan Sanchez produce a spectacular 1:13.99 run in the 600m, the sixth fastest time in the history of this race.

NACAC star athletes to headline Puerto Rico International Athletics Classic in May

When Ponce, Puerto Rico hosts the Puerto Rico International Athletics Classic on a newly laid track at the Estadio Francisco “Paquito” Montaner, on Thursday, 12 May fans can look forward to seeing four Olympic champions headlining the star-studded field of competitors.

Jasmine Camacho-Quinn, Puerto Rican Olympic champion in the 100mH at the Tokyo Olympics 2021; Ryan Crouser (USA), Olympic champion at the same Games and who holds the men’s shot put world record; Steve Gardiner Bahamas Olympic champion in the 400m at Tokyo 2021 and 2019 world champion; and Christian Taylor Sweet (USA), a two-time triple jump medalist, have all given their commitment to participate at the Ponce Meet.

Puerto Rico will also be represented by Olympians Wesley Vázquez (800m), Ryan Sánchez

(800m), and Andrés Arroyo (800m).

World renowned for being the only Baseball Stadium that boasts a 400m athletics track, the Estadio Francisco “Paquito” Montaner will continue its long tradition of serving up intense and exciting athletics competition.

The event is part of the World Athletics Continental Tour (WACT) Silver Level, and is organized by the Puerto Rican Foundation for the Development of Athletics Sports, owner of the franchise. Since its founding in 2006, this agency has brought international athletics activities to the Caribbean island. This year’s event is being partnered with the American Track League (ATL).

Carlos Mercado Santiago, Executive Director of the Puerto Rico Tourism Company, declared, “The International Athletics Classic is an excellent opportunity to promote local sports tourism, attract international tourists and project Puerto Rico as a highly qualified destination to carry out this type of first-class sporting events.

“In addition, the celebration of this event promotes a boost to the economic development of the Porta Caribe Region and Puerto Rico due to the increase in hotel occupancy that it causes and the creation of jobs such as ushers, security personnel, social media, marketing, bartenders, maintenance, among others; which means the contribution of an estimated economic impact of $2.2 million for the island’s economy.”

Victor Lopez, Meet Director of the May event in Ponce,speaking at the Press Conference at the Tourism Company to launch the competition, said, “As director of the competition I am very happy and excited because world-class athletics returns to Puerto Rico, this time in Ponce, where an international competition was held for 10 years in which we had our star, Javier Culson.

“This time with the Puerto Rico International Athletics Classic, we not only have a group of world- class athletes, we will also have a large number of Olympic and world medalists; and could confirm a lot more”.

The Puerto Rico International Athletics Classic, dedicated to the bronze medalist in the 400 meter hurdles at the London 2012 Olympic Games and twice world runner-up (Berlin 2009 and Daegu 2011), Puerto Rico’s Javier Culson, will start at 6:00 p.m. and will be broadcast on ESPN2.

Tickets for the Puerto Rico International Athletics Classic will be on sale starting this Monday, March 21 at

Carifta 2022 Update

49th Carifta Games flyer

Member Federations (MF) of the CARIFTA Family of NACAC convened for the third Information Session organized and conducted by the Local Organising Committee (LOC), chaired by Hon. Dr Michael Fennell, on Thursday 17 March, at 4.30pm.

Interestingly, while the Session was taking place Jamaica’s Prime Minister, Andrew Holness, was announcing significant reduction in the protocols that the government had in place in its effort to combat the spread of the coronavirus.

Unfortunately, whilst many of the stringent measures that were in place have been withdrawn, those regarding participation in and attendance at sporting events are still being clarified.

Tomorrow, Monday 21 March, the Inter Secondary Schools Association (ISSA) will host a press conference which will speak to the matters that are equally of concern to the CARIFTA LOC. The Boys’ and Girls’ Champs, scheduled for 5 – 9 April, constitute the nation’s annual premier track and field competition for schools.

Speaking with NACAC President, Mike Sands, Fennell noted that “As far as entry into Jamaica is concerned the requirement for a negative test result still applies and any change to this will be announced on April 15, 2022.”

During Friday’s Information Session the number of confirmed MFs participating in the Games climbed to 27. MFs were urged to submit their travel arrangements to the LOC with immediate effect.

MFs were also asked to inform Mr Mike Sands, President of NACAC, whether or not there was interest in a charter to get to and from this year’s CARIFTA Games.

In related CARIFTA news, tomorrow, 21 March 2022, is the final day for the NACAC Secretariat to receive Bids to host the CARIFTA Games of 2023 and 2024 respectively.

Around NACAC

NACAC to visit Costa Rica

Michael Serralta, NACAC’s Director of Competitions, will pay a visit to Costa Rica during the period, 24 – 26 March.

Costa Rica has submitted a successful bid to host the NACAC Open Championships later this year. However, the country is hosting a FIFA U17 World Cup at the proposed national stadium. The MF has offered to host the NACAC Open instead at the stadium of one of its universities outside of the nation’s capital city.

In an effort to ensure that the competition venue meets our requirements, NACAC is sending Serralta on a fact-finding mission to assess the proposed venue and report to the leadership, following which a final decision will be made regarding where the NACAC Open will take place.

El Salvador

Athletics action continued over the weekend in El Salvador as the member federation strives to sustain its development plan for the sport across the country.

A total of 288 Salvadorian athletes from 21 clubs and a national team and athletes from Guatemala, contested the III Non-Olympic Track and Field Tournament for the year. As happened previously, because of the construction work being undertaken at the main national stadium, the competition was held at the athletic track of the University of El Salvador (UES) and at the CATFA facilities (former San Carlos Barracks).

Competitions were held in 50 non-Olympic events for men and women. In the end, seven (7) national records were established.






Aaron Alexander Hernández



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José Samuel Ibáñez




Oscar Antonio Aldana



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Nancy Gabriela Sandoval

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Cesar Enrique Peraza




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Esteban Josué Ibáñez


5,208 pts

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ESA Athletics Awards

Athletes and Coaches were appropriately recognised and rewarded by the Salvadoran Athletics Federation this weekend, at an Awards Ceremony held at the held the Athletic Track of the University of El Salvador (UES) during the second day of the III Non-Olympic Tournament.

ESA Athletics Awardees

  • Andrea Michelle Velasco: Female Athlete of the Year 2021
  • Esteban Josué Ibáñez: Male Athlete of the year 2021
  • Ana Isabela González: Most Promising Female Athlete of the Year 2021
  • David Antonio Ayala: Most Promising Male Athlete of the Year 2021
  • Sandra Valiente: Coach of the Year 2021

The Board of Directors of the Federation, Ing. Gloria Ramos (President), Lic. Carlos Clemente (General Secretary), Lic. René Navas (Treasurer) and Secia Rodríguez (First Member), administered the Awards Ceremony.

NACAC extends sincere congratulations to the winners and encouraged the El Salvador Federation to continue to strive after excellence.


Junior athletes on the French Territory of Martinique are this weekend contesting for places on the representative team to the annual CARIFTA Games set for Kingston, Jamaica, 16 – 18 April 2022. Even before the final team has been selected and announced, athletics authorities on the island have already made arrangements for the team to travel early to Jamaica where they will participate in a pre-CARIFTA Training Programme.

St Vincent and the Grenadines

Team Athletics St Vincent and the Grenadines (TASVG) has completed its selection of the national representative team to the 49th edition of the CARIFTA Games scheduled for Jamaica in a few weeks. The team is already in the possession of the LOC.

With 16 athletes and three officials the national team to this year’s CARIFTA Games is the largest track and field team to this event on record. Many attribute this to the fact that the country now has the benefit of a synthetic track and that several of its student athletes are now schooling in Jamaica. Over the weekend Vincentian student athletes at the GC Foster College in Jamaica competed in the GC Foster Classic.

Odiesha Nanton completed the 400m in 54.18, Akani Slater achieved his 400m in 47.23, Sage Primus completed the 200m in 21.51 and Javon Rawlins achieved 10.57 in the 100m.


She Runs – She Leads Webinar Series

World Athletics is inviting member federations to be part of the latest of its webinar series entitled, She Runs – She Leads.

Gabriela Mueller Mendoza, one of the most well-known empowering voices in coaching and training in the world of sports, will deliver game-changer experiences that inspire change, challenge thinking, encourage self-empowerment and growth.

Register to join the She Runs-She Leads Series:

30 March 2022: Gain Self-Confidence and Crush Self-doubt

7 July 2022: Personal brand/image

27 October 2022: Stakeholder Management and Influence Skills

Keith Joseph

General Secretary, NACAC

P.O. Box 680, Kingstown, St Vincent and the Grenadines

Tel: (784) 457 9062 (H); (784) 457 2970 (O)



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