President Sands congratulates Kenya
NACAC President, Mike Sands, extended congratulations and gratitude to the President of Athletics Kenya, Jackson Tuwei, on behalf of all of NACAC, for the organisation and conduct of the 18th World Athletics U20 Championships in Nairobi, the nation’s capital city, during the period 18 – 22 August 2021.
Sands stated, “On behalf of our entire Area Association, we are justly proud to have come to Kenya, a household name in global athletics, on the continent that holds the ancestry of so many of the peoples of our region, to participate in a competition of such high standard.”
The African nation, renowned for the production of an incredibly long line of distance runners had a successful bid to host the U20 Championships in 2021. However, the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic rendered it an impossible task. Athletics Kenya than asked World Athletics to postpone the event rather than cancel it altogether, arguing that it was important for the country and for the African continent. World Athletics agreed. The rest is now history.
According to President Sands, “the arrangements for the athletes, the reason for our existence and engagement in the world’s leading sport for individuals, were excellent. While several member federations did not attend, those that did, brought athletes that gave of their best, so much so that several new world championships records were established.
“We are all convinced that in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, Kenya has shown that with appropriate health protocols in place, the resolve of athletics leadership and the commitment of the government and people of a nation, our sport not only thrives, but offers excellence as the ultimate goal. Africa and more particularly, Kenya, has done us in NACAC and global athletics, a tremendous service of excellent quality.”

NACAC athletes impact World Athletics U20 Championships
While the African athletes led the way in overall performances at the just concluded World Athletics U20 Championships in Nairobi, Kenya, NACAC’s athletes gave good account of themselves.
Led by Jamaica, NACAC was very well represented at the Championships, continuing their unwavering commitment to our sport.
President Sands expressed his understanding of the reasons, proffered by member federations that did not make it to Nairobi, largely relating to the pandemic. Apologies on behalf of those absent member federations were extended to the President of World Athletics and Athletics Kenya respectively, making it clear that ‘we are all fervently committed to our sport”. NACAC athletes achieved the following:
Jamaica – 5th: 3 gold, 6 silver, 2 bronze Mexico – 13th: 1 gold, 1 silver, 2 bronze Cuba – 15th: 1 gold, 2 bronze
Canada – 30th: 2 bronze
Sands congratulated Kenya on the athletes’ repeat performance that saw them win eight gold, one silver and seven bronze medals. Finland finished second with Nigeria and Ethiopia following in that order.
Sands noted that “the competition was very well organised and the African countries were certainly well prepared.”
The surprise package was the team from Botswana which finished seventh with three gold and one silver.
NACAC Constitution Review Process
The NACAC Constitution Review Process is continuing and Chair of the Working Group, Abby Hoffman, has set out timelines for the completion of the process.
Following the comments made at the specially convened Information Session, earlier in the year, the Working Group has been reviewing the several comments presented by member federations then and since.
Plans are to have a major document circulated to member federations before the end of the year, followed by a special Session on 5 March 2022. In July 2022, there will be a Special Congress during the World Championships in Eugene, Oregon, at which the revised Constitution will be formally approved.
The Working Group will, over the next several months, engage member federations in tweaking the submitted comments from the previous draft so that the review process is as inclusive as possible.
WA President meets NACAC leaders in Nairobi
Lord Sebastian Coe, President of World Athletics, seized the opportunity of the presence of some presidents of member federations of NACAC, to engage them in brief one-on-one meetings to update himself on matters of mutual interest. These meetings followed an social gathering organised by President Coe for all Council members, Presidents of Area Associations and member federations, in attendance at the Championships.
Members in attendance included host Area Association president, Hamad Kalkaba Malboum (Africa), Helio Gesta de Melo (Consudatle), Mike Sands (NACAC), and Council member, Adille Sumariwalla (India).
Presidents of member federations in attendance were, Geen Clarke (Costa Rica), Garth Gayle (Jamaica) and Keith Smith (Virgin Islands).
Weekly Meetings
Wednesday 25 August
10.00am Miami Time – Weekly Meeting – Mike Sands, Michael Serralta, Chester Morgan, Garth Gayle and Keith Joseph
Thursday 26 August
11.00am Miami Time – NACAC meeting with Miramar City Council
Keith Joseph
P.O. Box 680, Kingstown, St Vincent and the Grenadines
Tel: (784) 457 9062 (H); (784) 457 2970 (O)