Mothersill returned to office as General Secretary in the Cayman Islands
The Cayman Islands Athletics Association (CIAA) now has a new executive, headed by a former president of the organization, Delroy Murray.

Osbert Francis is 1st Vice President with Maxine Anglin as 2nd Vice President.
NACAC Council Member, Cydonie Mothersill retained her position as General Secretary, Paula Dawkins-Archbold as Assistant General Secretary and Alfred McLeod as Treasurer. Theo Cuffy, Carl Morgan and Darrell Porter are the Ordinary Members.
Murray served as President of the CIAA during the period 2005 – 2008.
Already the new executive has begun its work, recognizing that there is much to be done. NACAC extends congratulations to the new executive of the CIAA.
REMINDER: Special NACAC Congress 2021
Member Federations of NACAC will convene for a Special Congress on Saturday 6 November, beginning at 10.00 am
06 November 2021 | |
10.00 – 10.30am | Opening of NACAC Special CongressMr Keith Joseph, NACAC General Secretary – Chair
10:30 – 10:50am | Remarks
11:00 – 11:30am |
11:45am – 12:45pm |
NACAC’s Special Congress will feature an update on the work of the several Commissions and Working Groups, all of which have been very active.
Of much interest would be the status of the NACAC Constitution Review process which was initially led by former Vice President of World Athletics, Robert Hersh, but is now being directed by Abby Hoffman, a World Athletics Council member. Plans are in place to have the process completed in March 2022.
NACAC and City of Miramar to advance talks
On Thursday 28 October, the NACAC leadership will again be engaged in discussions with officials of the City of Miramar in respect of plans for the future.
The cornerstone of talks thus far has been the annual hosting of the NACAC New Life Invitational (NLI), which is scheduled for 12 June in 2022 and forms an integral component of the new NACAC Circuit that begins in March of the same year.
The proposal is for the NLI to be much more developed this time around and with a joint effort in respect of the planning and organization.
Thursday’s discussions will address the components of a Memorandum of Understanding ( MoU) that could be long-term in nature and feature a slew of initiatives in track and field.
NACAC is considering the strategic geographical location of the ANSIN Sports Complex that is a major facility whose amenities could service an ever-increasing number of activities.
A meeting with the Mayor of Miramar earlier this year revealed a keen interest in doing more by way of track and field events at ANSIN and building a strong foundation that could serve both the NACAC Area and the authorities at Miramar.
Nicaragua readies for NACAC Age Group
Xiomara Larios, President of the member federation of Nicaragua, is anxious to hear from several of our affiliates in respect of their attendance at the scheduled NACAC Age Group Championships, 17 – 18 December, in Managua, Nicaragua. Delegations are expected to arrive 16 and depart 19 December 2021.
The Nicaraguan Federation has been focused on realizing a most successful edition of the Championships, especially since it has to confront the challenges arising from the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.
All participating teams will be accommodated at the Hilton Princess hotel, located in Managua, the nation’s capital city.
At the time of writing, the designated technical delegate, Carlos Clemente, of El Salvador, has confirmed receipt of numerical entries from Aruba, El Salvador, St Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago and Nicaragua.
Bahamas, Belize, British Virgin Islands, Costa Rica, Curacao, Guatemala, Honduras and Trinidad and Tobago, all of whom have confirmed participation, have not yet submitted their numerical entries. NACAC, therefore, urges the member federations that are yet to submit their numerical entries to do so soonest. This is critical to the planning and preparations being undertaken by hosts, the Nicaragua Federation.
NACAC is also very pleased with the response from Aruba, which is preparing to send a full team of eight (8) athletes and four (4) officials, one of the largest delegations to regional competition in years.
NACAC to organize TOECS Courses in Spanish
NACAC’s Director of Competitions, Michael Serralta, has received approval to conduct World Athletics Technical Officials Certificate Education System (TOECS) courses in Spanish in 2022. This is being done because World Athletics will commence TOECS English courses on the e-learning platform. The timelines for the Spanish version on the platform will not be ready for some time.
Once the Spanish courses are on the e-learning platform, the face-to-face ones will be replaced.
Meetings this Week
Wednesday 27 October 2021
7.00 pm – Weekly meeting – Mike Sands, Michael Serralta, Garth Gayle and Chester Morgan
Thursday 28 October 2021
11.00 am – Follow-up meeting with the City of Miramar, Ft Lauderdale, Florida, regarding the NLI
Keith Joseph
P.O. Box 680, Kingstown, St Vincent and the Grenadines
Tel: (784) 457 9062 (H); (784) 457 2970 (O)