Forward to 2022!!!!!!
There is no more fitting way to start our programme for 2022 that to reproduce here the New Year Message from our President, Mike Sands.
Colleagues, we have come to the end of yet another year in which our athletics activities have had to creatively respond to the challenges wrought upon us by the dreaded Covid-19 pandemic.
As President of NACAC, I am proud to state, definitively, that as an Area, we have been at the forefront of change. This is who we are and have always been.
We are NACAC!
On behalf of the NACAC Council and on my own behalf, I take this opportunity to express our profound gratitude to our athletes:
They are the reason we exist.
They are who sustain our standing on the podium of global athletics They are who will sustain our leadership across the world.
We are grateful to our coaches, technical officials and administrators for their persistent commitment to excellence at every level.
To the members of our Commissions and Working Groups, we extend our most sincere thanks for your service of excellence.
To each of our member federations, let this be a most joyful occasion for we have done extremely well in 2021 and we are assured that given our legacy, we will find creative ways of doing even better in 2022.
It is with immense pride, joy and commitment that as the President of NACAC, I extend the very best wishes to each and everyone in our broader NACAC Family.
We stand together.
We stand committed to excellence.
We stand united in our knowledge that we will, under the new mandate of our World Plan, lead by example in every aspect of our sport.
May God richly bless you.

NACAC remains intent on ensuring that we do much more than talk in respect of our development strategy and ways in which we realise our commitment to the World Athletics World Plan.
Aware that the athletes must be at the centre of our sport at all times, we begin 2022 as we ended 2021, eager to ensure that our Area remains a leader of our sport in the global environment.
We therefore take immense pleasure in inviting our Members to join us as we begin our NACAC Athletics Coaching Science Series.

Coaches are essential to the identification and training of athletes. This is the reason that NACAC places so much emphasis on facilitating a continuous coaches education programme.
Our Director of Coaches and Camps, Chester Morgan, working in tandem with the Coaches Working Group under the leadership of John LoFranco, has collaborated with the NACAC Track and Field Coaches Association (NACACTFCA), to conceptualise the NACAC Athletics Coaching Science Series.
The first in the Series begins on 20th January and continues through to 6 February 2022. It addresses a number of important aspects of coaching and participants can expect great interaction that would serve the Area’s development strategy in good stead, going well into the future.
We encourage all Member Federations to circulate amongst their own membership, coaches as well as their Athletes’ Commissions.
NACAC Athletics Coaching Science Series 2022
Conducted via Zoom / FREE registration is required – REGISTRATION LINK
All times CDT (GMT -6)
Se realiza a través de Zoom / Se requiere registro GRATIS- ENLACE DE REGISTRO Todo el tiempo CDT (GMT -6)
Sesión 1 – Habilidades atléticas, principios y métodos de entrenamiento
Jueves January 20th 6-8pm en Español Diego Vela Lu
Session 1 – Athletic Abilities, Training Principles, & Methods of Training
Saturday January 22nd 4-6pm in English Chester Morgan
Sesión 2 – Sistemas de energía y entrenamiento de sistemas
Thursday January 27th 6-8pm en español Martin Palavicini
Session 2 – Energy Systems & Energy System Training
Saturday January 29th 4-6pm in English Chester Morgan
Sesión 3 – Periodización: planificación del entrenamiento
Thursday February 3rd 6-8pm en español Martin Palavicini
Session 3 – Periodization: Planning of Training
Sunday February 6th 3-5pm in English Peter Thompson
Presented with the help and support of NACACTFCA / Presentado con la ayuda y el apoyo de NACACTFCA
Jamaica to observe 100-day countdown
The member federation of Jamaica, JAAA, led by President, Garth Gayle, will on Thursday 6 January, observe the milestone of 100 days before the organisation and the nation hosts, on yet another occasion, the 49th edition of the Carifta Games.
The Carifta Games were cancelled in both 2020 and 2021 as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. Aware that omicron, the latest variant of the pandemic is now rampant in the world today and even with the delta variant still around, NACAC shares the concern of many in respect of the challenges in realising the Carifta Games in 2022.
“We are monitoring the situation very closely” NACAC President, Mike Sands, has stated.
“However, increasingly, the world is at a point where we all have to live with the changing circumstances being brought to bear on all of us, especially in sport. We are nonetheless confident that every health protocol deemed pertinent to competing in sport will be applied in Jamaica as
happened in Tokyo when the latter hosted the Olympic Games last year”, Sands concluded.
Costa Rica Loses an Athletics Giant

On Tuesday 28 December 2021, the athletics fraternity of Costa Rica joined the entire member federation in a service commemorating the life and service of long-standing General Secretary of the organization, Vernon Hilarión Francis.
Subsequent to learning of the passing of Vernon earlier in the month, the NACAC leadership communicated to the CRC President, Geen Clarke, noting that
We are deeply saddened by this information. Kindly convey our sincere condolences to his immediate family and that of all of the CRC member federation.
All of Costa Rica and the members of CADICA have all paid homage to a true athletics giant of the country and region.
Keith Joseph
P.O. Box 680, Kingstown, St Vincent and the Grenadines
Tel: (784) 457 9062 (H); (784) 457 2970 (O)