This week in NACAC 26 October 2020 (English))



26 October 2020

Past week in brief

Member Federations

Monday 19 October 2020 saw the leadership of NACAC conduct one-on-one meetings with Grenada (GRN), Dominican Republic (DOM), and Puerto Rico (PUR).

The meetings were all very cordial with each of the current presidents leading their respective delegations in the discussions.

It is clear that the pandemic has had an impact on each of our member federations. However, none of the aforementioned three institutions have allowed the pandemic to weaken their commitment to the development of our sport.

DOM continues to offer its facilities to NACAC, much like Haiti, at very competitive rates, for a variety of activities that will enhance our development strategy.

PUR is hopeful that the track that Panam Sports is committed to providing for the Albergue Olimpico in Salinas, will allow the federation to once more host training camps for athletes and coaches in the coming year.

Grenada is looking forward to an expanded Whitsuntide Games in 2021 and beyond, opening up to students from schools across the NACAC family.

Gloria Ramos now heads ESA

Gloria Ramos joins a growing number of women who have risen to the presidency of their member federation.

At its meeting on Saturday 24 October 2020, Gloria earned the confidence of the general membership of ESA, at its General Assembly, replacing Dr Juan Carlos Ramirez, who served in that capacity for the past eight years and who declined nomination for the top position, this time around.

This is the first time in the history of Salvadoran athletics that a woman has been elected as president of ESA.

The new Executive Board comprises:

President: Gloria Ramos

General Secretary: Carlos Clemente

Treasurer: Rene Navas

The newly approved Statutes require that in the first quarter, 4 more members will be elected to the Executive Board.

The General Assembly congratulated and thanked Dr Juan Carlos Ramirez for his ears of service to the sport and the organisation.

St Lucia and COVID-19

LCA is the latest member federation to inform NACAC tof its inability to conduct its National Championships. The event was scheduled for 8 November. However, the Chief Medical Officer has indicated that the COVID-19 health protocols have been changed such that mass gatherings, which until two weeks ago allowed up to 500 persons, are now limited to only 50 persons.

On the positive side of things, the member federation has received approval from the Chief Medical Officer for the protocols that have been developed for the hosting of Athletics competitions during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Administrators’ Pathway in draft

John-Paul Clarke, Chair of the NACAC Development Commission, on Saturday, delivered that draft proposal of the Administrators’ Pathway, a developmental programme intended to allow the member federations to more systematically develop present and future leaders.

The main areas of the proposed programme include, Governance, Financial Management, Friend-raising and Fundraising, Conflict Management/Conflict Resolution and Event Organisation and Management.

Discussions amongst the membership of the Development Commission also gave consideration to the drafting of programmes that feature training for the managers of athletes and potential managers as well as training in team management, areas that are increasingly important in the sport of athletics today.


NACAC Constitution Review

NACAC’s leadership continues to be impressed with the extensive work being undertaken by the NACAC Constitution Review Working Group, led by Robert Hersh. By the time of the next NACAC Information Session scheduled for early November 2020, there would be a significant number of proposed amendments laid on the table for discussion going forward.

NACAC Gender Leadership Working Group

Donna Raynor, has been in communication with the NACAC Gender Leadership Working Group. Over the next weeks, we can expect significant proposals coming forward from the organisation.

Webinar – NACAC Medical and Anti-Doping Commission

The NACAC Medical and Anti-Doping Commission (MADC) will convene its first Webinar for all of our member federations on Friday 30 October 2020, beginning at 7.00 pm (Eastern Caribbean Time -ECT).

The MADC’s webinar will address the topic, “Guidelines for the Return to Training and Competition during COVID-19”.

The link for the webinar will be circulated during the course of the week. However, all member federations are asked to ensure that they are adequately represented at this important activity that forms part of NACAC’s continued focus on our collective development.

Member Federations

On Monday 26 October 2020, the leadership of NACAC will continue its one-on-one meetings with member federations.

Confirmations are already in place for meeting with the member federation of the Virgin Islands and St Lucia.

World Athletics’ Meeting

Wednesday will witness an important meeting convened by the Development Department of World Athletics.

The elearning platform will be officially discussed.

All NACAC member federations are encouraged to attend.

NACAC Website

The NACAC Website continues to offer the coaches of member federations a direct link to the NACACTFCA website. The link has been and continues to be fully operational.

We expect that all of our coaches would seize the opportunity to be part of what promises to be a very exciting programme for this year’s NACACTFCA Congress.

Member federations are also being encouraged to send us stories about your activities and athletes to keep our social media platforms active. We are also anxious to receive news items on what is taking place with our member federations, more generally.

We wish to hear from you. Communicate via our website,



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Kineke Alexander delivers an empowering and grateful message.

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