This Week in NACAC 1 February 2021 (English)


1 February 2021

The NACAC Appeal

As we begin another month, it is important that we continue our appeal to the members of NACAC to hold fast to the health protocols in your respective countries.

While much is being made of the development and production of an ever-increasing number of covid-19 vaccines, the reality is that we are at the same time witnessing the veritable ‘rat race’ amongst countries.
The deliberate attempts by some countries to use their vast financial resources to produce significantly large orders well in excess of their populations appear to give the lie to any genuine commitment to international harmony. We are today experiencing the very selfishness and greed that we in sport have been struggling to combat at every turn.

NACAC therefore urges its member federations to comply with local laws and adhere to health protocols in the collective best interest of the athletes, the reason for our involvement in sport.

We continue to promote fair play and hope that wealthy nations can, somehow, understand the importance of fair play in respect of access to rapidly developing covid-19 vaccines and resist the temptation to return to the ‘divide and rule’ policies that characterised the historic wrongs attendant to conquest, colonialism and lop-sided development.

NACAC appeals to its member federations to work with other sporting organisations at the national level so that the populations can come to an understanding of and appreciation for the lofty values attendant to sport, thereby showcasing its role in facilitating genuine harmony and peace among peoples everywhere.

NACAC Athletes Info Session scheduled

The athletes of the entire NACAC Area will feature in the first Information Session organised by the Athletes’ Commission.

The NACAC Athletes’ Commission is in the process of developing itself by reaching out to athletes across the entire Area, being fully aware that many athletes have not been made sufficiently knowledgeable of its existence.

The Commission wants athletes to be more knowledgeable about how it must become their organisation, their forum through which they are informed about all that is happening in World Athletics and their collective voice, influencing the decision-making process at the highest level of NACAC and ultimately, of World Athletics.

NACAC is undeniably one the most powerful athletics Area and this, because of the incredible performances of its athletes, extremely well prepared by their coaches.

The NACAC Athletes’ Commission will, at its Information Session, on Thursday 4 February 2021, begin by allowing President Mike Sands to welcome participants before going in to a focus on ‘Who are we?’, allowing the athletes to introduce themselves and their understanding of why they are important to our sport as well as why the Commission is critical to their influencing the decision-making process.

Representatives of the World Athletics Athletes Commission will then explain who they are and what they do.

Then, representatives of the World Athletics Athletes’ Integrity Unit (AIU) will inform all athletes in attendance of the organisation’s role and function.

The Information Session will have an open floor where athletes can ask questions and make comments about the presentation of the representatives of the AIU.


NACAC Congratulates Yohan Blake

NACAC has extended congratulations to outstanding Jamaican athlete, Yohan Blake, on the achievement of yet another major milestone on his journey through life.

On learning of the news of Blake’s initiative, The Yohan Blake Rehab and Fitness Centre, NACAC immediately communicated its congratulations to the athlete through the President of the JAAA, Garth Gayle.

NACAC’s letter reads in part, The NACAC leadership wishes to extend sincere congratulations, through your good office, to Jamaican athlete, Yohan Blake, on his new enterprise, The Yohan Blake Rehab and Fitness Centre.

It is always a pleasure for all involved in our sport when an athlete commits to a career pathway beyond his/her competitive years. As you are aware, World Athletics, and more recently, NACAC, have been emphasizing the importance of encouraging athletes to engage themselves in career-building exercises that will allow them to live stable, economically secure lives after their years of competition. The YB Rehab and Fitness Centre fits in with the foregoing focus.”

Blake suffered from injuries that hampered his performances but was able to bounce back. The experience of his injuries has played a major part in his decision to establish the Centre.

He is hopeful of making the Jamaican team to the Summer Olympics in Tokyo, Japan, later this year.

All of NACAC extends sincere best wishes to Blake in this his latest undertaking.


El Salvador celebrates Final part of the National XC Championships

On Sunday 31 January 2021, the Salvadoran Athletics Federation celebrated the second part of its 2021 Cross Country Championships at the facilities of “Parque Bicentenario”.

The first part was held on 13 December 2020 for the categories from U14 to Seniors. The Master Categories were held on 20 December 2020.

The final part saw 235 athletes from the clubs and teams, ACSA Santa Ana, Betania, Calle Real, Cuscatlán, FA, CAS, Fénix, Rasan, La Perla, Perulapia and San José Guayabal, contest in 20 categories ranging from U14 to Masters. Athletes were from as young as 12 years old through to 84 years.

For complete results and final scores visit the website:

Images are on the Federation’s Facebook fan page


Carifta 2022 on track

The Local Organising Committee (LOC) of the 50th Carifta Games scheduled for Guyana, is well on its way in respect of planning for the mega event.

Fully cognizant that it is hosting the 50th anniversary of the world’s most exciting junior track and field meet, the Guyana member federation has wasted no time in getting the LOC together.

President of the Federation, Aubrey Hutson, is the Chair of the LOC while Nicholas Fraser is the Chief Executive Officer.

The LOC began 2021 with an agreement to convene weekly, every Monday. On Monday 25 January, the LOC invited NACAC General Secretary, Keith Joseph, to attend and participate in its weekly meeting. The meeting discussed two items of immense importance, VIP, Protocol and Catering (led by Laverne Fraser-Thomas) as well as Media Relations Management (led by Leeron Brumell).

Intense discussions followed the presentations.

Mr Brumell was provided with the contact details for Kwame Lawrence, Chair of the NACAC Sports Journalists Working Group to commence collaboration in preparation for the 2022 event.

Already, Dr Adrian Lorde, Chair of NACAC’s Medical and Anti-Doping Commission, has been holding regular discussions with the medical team in place for the planning of Carifta 2022.


Constitution Working Group nears completion of Phase #1

The NACAC Constitution Review Working Group is nearing completion of the first phase of its work. The Working Group met on Sunday 31 January 2021 to address what many hope would be the final set of major changes to the existing constitution.

The amended constitution has to be submitted to the NACAC Council. The Council will convene for a special meeting on Saturday 20 February at 10.00am AST, at which the amendments would be discussed item by item. This would be phase #2.

The third and final phase would be when the NACAC Congress convenes in July 2021. The Congress is the highest decision-making body of NACAC.

NACAC President, Mike Sands, has been high in his commendation for the commitment to the work ethic of the members of the Working Group, Robert Hersh, Abby Hoffman, O’Dayne Richards (Athletes’ Representative), Drumeco Archer and Charlie George.


NACAC meets Athletics Canada

NACAC President, Mike Sands, and General Secretary, Keith Joseph, will meet with representatives of Athletics Canada on Monday 1 February 2021.

NACAC had earlier written to Athletics Canada to engage in discussions relating to the member federation’s role in the development of NACAC and areas where more could be done to enhance the overall product of our organisation.


World Athletics/NACAC talk Development

NACAC’s leadership will, on Tuesday 2 February 2021,  be engaged in discussions with the Development Department of World Athletics. The agenda focuses on the NACAC Structure and the Area’s approach to Development for the remainder of the quadrennial.

While the pandemic has inhibited several of the planned development activities of NACAC, the leadership has nonetheless ensured that alternative approaches have been activated.

NACAC is also anxious about the full activation of World Athletics’ elearning platform which would be used for many educational programmes going forward.

Weekly NACAC Meeting

Wednesday 3 February will witness the weekly meeting that brings together President, Mike Sands, Competitions Director, Michael Serralta and General Secretary, Keith Joseph.

High on Wednesday’s meeting is the completion of the new NACAC Championships Bid Document and also the Championships Regulations.

NACAC is eager to make use of the World Athletics elearning platform for education courses for coaches and technical officials.

Some NACAC member federations have been requesting CECS Level 1 Courses for 2021 and discussions are already in place to facilitate them. St Lucia completed a Level 1 course in the latter part of 2020.

During 2020 NACAC conducted a Ore-Level #1 programme for persons interested in becoming athletics’ coaches and an Apprentice programme for technical officials.

Finally, NACAC continues its search for host member federations for the New Life Invitational and the NACAC U-18/U-23 Championships respectively.


Coe meets Area Presidents

World Athletics President, Sebastian Coe, will on Friday 5 February, convene his first meeting with Area Presidents for 2021.

Friday’s meeting is set for 8.00am AST.

The meeting with Area residents follows President Coe’s first Information Session with our member federations on Wednesday 27 January.


Kineke Alexander delivers an empowering and grateful message.

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