President: Keith Joseph

Secretary: Alexandra Walrond

Treasurer: Jacintha Ballantyne

P.O. Box 1644, Kingstown

St. Vincent, West Indies

Tel: 784 457 2970 ● Fax: 485 6412

Email: [email protected]

On Wednesday 4 November 2020, the nation’s first synthetic track for athletics was officially opened and was named after a politician. The opening ceremony was a sweet-bitter mix for those who have always felt that track and field athletics stands apart as this country’s most successful sport at the regional and international levels and in so doing, has the distinction of being the one most responsible for bringing global recognition to our country.

Track and field athletes, coaches, administrators, and aficionados are thoroughly delighted that after so many years of showing just how much we have been able to achieve with meagre resources, we finally have a synthetic track. Even though the track does not yet have arrangements for a discus/hammer cage, arrangements can be made at a later date to have this provided. Our athletes can now begin to prepare themselves on a surface that better prepares them for regional and international competition. They can now compete on a more level ‘playing field’. There is much appreciation for the bleachers that allow for some seating.

Unfortunately, the track is just that and nothing more at the present time. The facility is far from complete. The drainage is yet to be completed as a result of dissatisfaction with the original contractor. Drains are still open with lots of exposed steel.

The bleachers are on the home straight, commonly reserved for a grand stand. Word is that they would be covered. However, they will just be covered bleachers and not a grand stand. There are no public health facilities in place at this time nor is there storage for athletics equipment. As it now stands, there is no designated warm-up area that has been prepared for this purpose, deemed critical to any such facility of its kind. One is also uncertain as to if and when facilities would be constructed to accommodate the photo-finish and meet management personnel during competition. Finally, the track is not yet certified by World Athletics, the international governing body for the sport of athletics. Apparently, the company responsible for the laying of the track has undertaken to get this done.

Of course, TASVG will elicit support from a variety of sources to assist with the provision of equipment to enhance the facilities to ensure that it is in keeping with established athletics standards and that the performances of our athletes are eligible for global competition.

Perhaps the most disconcerting aspect of the provision of the new facility at Diamond is the fact that the government has chosen to name it after a politician, now deceased, Vincent Beache, who never had anything to do with the sport. This is the one aspect that continues to haunt athletes, past and present.

Signature of Keith Joseph - President of Team Athletics St. Vincent and the Grenadines

Keith Joseph



2 December 2020


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