TASVG Launches own Website

President: Keith Joseph

Secretary: Alexandra Walrond

Treasurer: Jacintha Ballantyne

P.O. Box 1644, Kingstown

St. Vincent, West Indies

Tel: 784 457 2970 ● Fax: 485 6412

Email: [email protected]

Team Athletics St Vincent and the Grenadines (TASVG) enters a new phase in its history with the official launch of its own website. The launch comes as we prepare the national representative team to the 49th edition of the annual Carifta Games scheduled for Hamilton, Bermuda, over the Easter weekend.

For the past several years TASVG has been sharing space on the official website of the St Vincent and the Grenadines Olympic Committee (SVGOC). We remain ever grateful to the latter organization for the years of service afforded us on their site.

While we have had a social media presence for some time, we are now able to utilize this option on our own site and facilitate optimal communication with all stakeholders and partners.

Track and Field athletics has long been the most successful sport for individuals in St Vincent and the Grenadines. We have won medals at the Commonwealth, Central American and Caribbean and Pan American Games, as well as at athletics competitions at Carifta, CAC Juniors and Seniors, Pan American Juniors, Whitsuntide and OECS Championships.

Now we are able to excite our athletes, fans and supporters, keeping them always well informed and affording them immense opportunities to interact with each other. We can profile our athletes and allow them to share their experiences with our ever-increasing fan base.

Our website will allow for our coaches to engage in continuous education about the different aspects of the discipline, better preparing themselves to adequately service athletes around the country as well as in the Diaspora and share their own experiences with their fellow coaches.

We welcome all to access our website consistently as we strive after excellence in delivering the sport of choice.

We look forward to your continued support in the development of athletics in St Vincent and the Grenadines.


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