President: Keith Joseph
Secretary: Alexandra Walrond
Treasurer: Jacintha Ballantyne

P.O. Box 1644, Kingstown
St. Vincent, West Indies
Tel: 784 457 2970 ● Fax: 485 6412
Email: [email protected]
Sports in November 2020
From the Desk of the President #16
We are into November 2020. Time sure flies, especially in the midst of a pandemic that continues to impact us in sport.
The NACAC/OECS Chatoyer International Endurance 10K Road Race is set for 29 November. In our previous edition, we stated that we had confidence that the CARICOM decision in respect of the regional Travel Bubble, would have allowed us to expect athletes from the neighbouring islands to participate. Now that seems not to be the case since several Heads of Government in CARICOM have retreated from the commitment to the aforementioned travel bubble.
TASVG continues to market the Chatoyer 10K as a sport tourism event. It is already billed as “The World’s Most Challenging 10K Road Race”, given its unique array of hills on the leeward side of St Vincent.
Vincentian athletes got the opportunity to test the surface of the nation’s first synthetic track at the Diamond Sport Facility on Wednesday 4 November 2020, when the government officially opened it. The track is now named after former government minister, the late Vincent Beache. TASVG continues to await full disclosure on the protocols and regulations governing access to and usage of the Vincent Beache athletics track at Diamond Estate.
TASVG is hopeful that the pre-season relays could be held at the Vincent Beache track in December 2020. More on this can be found on our website – – and social media platforms.
Discussions are also taking place regarding the use of the Vincent Beache track for the annual Inter Secondary and Inter Primary Schools competitions respectively, set for early 2021.

Keith Joseph
9 November 2020